I could learn a lot of things in this trip.  At first I 
was worried about one-on-one lesson because I 
had no one to depend on during the lessons.

In fact, during the class, there were only one 
Filipino teacher and me in the room.  But I 
could communicate with the teachers in English 
using the grammar which I learned at school in 
Japan.  When the Filipino teachers couldn’t 
understand Japanese, I taught Japanese to them.

I learned it is important to have a will that you 
want to communicate with people. English is a 
tool to communicate with others.  It means 
English will not be “useful” without using it.  

Through my experiences in Cebu, I realized that 
I did not actually learn English until I used it.

The teachers at Bayside school were very kind, 
so every lesson was a lot of fun for me. During 
free time, I did not have any chances to meet the 
KGM students. Therefore, I could make friends 
with Filipino teachers and other students from 

For me, this training was not tough but FUN!  I 
would like to improve my English 
communication skills more. This training was a 
very good experience for me. Thank you for 